Monday, November 30, 2009


Thursday was thanksgiving!!! And we went to Mr & Mrs. Caldwells house for it. They had what Mrs. Caldwell called a "desert party". It was very interesting. They had crackers, cheese, chicken, homemade rolls and sausage (from America. you could never find that kind of thing here). Then, there was: apple pie, pumpkin pie, cheese cake, an-apple-and-pear-thing, lemon pie. All delicious and homemade! I don't think I've eaten that much desert since I was like 10 or something. haha.

Yesterday it was like 16-18 degrees outside. It was about 6:30 or 7 o' clock when it was that temperature though. So I foolishly put on a long sleeved/thick hoodie shirt thing...and in the end I was hot later that afternoon.

christmas is round the corner! why don't I feel excited/happy like I usually do?
I could care less if I got anything for Christmas, or if there was Christmas at all.
I just wanna finish all my schoolwork by the end of the year.
I think I'm really screwed up sometimes.

Monday, November 23, 2009

This week has been okay.

Friday-We went out grocery shopping. And while we were in Spar, I was just standing there. And suddenly this mouse ran right past my foot! When I saw something moving I got a shock and screamed/jumped. When I saw it was just a mouse, I felt so lame...

Saturday-Nothin much.

Sunday- Church, choir practice same old same old. Except in the morning it was SUPER COLD! I sat in the hall with a jacket and still hugging myself/Zoe, and still felt cold!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Life hasn't been the most exciting. So...this post will be kinda boring too.

Last weekend choir practice was good. But -maybe it's the way I'm singing or something- my voice would like crack at the high notes, and I had a serious sore throat the whole time. (Been a long time since I ranted on singing. haha)

I got my haircut last saturday morning. We walked to the salon super close to our house, like 5 minutes away, and it's right next to the Domino's pizza place. (which, I'll admit, we order from often) We told the guys exactly what we wanted. "Just a trim about to her shoulders", my mom said. She even SHOWED the guy with her hands where. And it turned out awful. My hair is WAY above my shoulders, and I have so many layers it's sickening. Before my dad restyled/cut it for me, I looked like some froufrou fluffy freak or something. (and I've never ranted about my hair before!!! hehe) Anyway, I still wish I'd have waited till we went back to Singapore.

i'm gonna make a christmas list with my siblings just for fun. i miss bubbletea/sushi
0.0 now what?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oatmeal & Mashed Banana

Oatmeal & mashed bananas:

2-3 spoonfuls of instant oatmeal (but follow the istructions on the packet)
1 small banana

Basically all you do is make the oatmeal, with as much water or milk it calls for. (I use the microwave-able kind, so I add some milk afterwards so it's more creamy) Once your oatmeal is cooked you cut up the banana, and put it into the oatmeal. Take a fork and mash up the banana and mix it all up!!! I know it probably looks kinda like oatmeal with big pale yellow lumps and kinda gross. But it's super good!!!
Oh yeah, if you need to, add sugar. It depends on how ripe your banana is.
Then you DIG IN! ;)

Just a random recipe I happened to try this morning. WARNING: only banana lovers can eat this, so if you don't like bananas, it's advised you don't eat this.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So not the norm

There are so many thing to write about! How bout Calcutta first? Okay!

First day we arrived was very nice. We went to see the Mother Theresa's house. Part of it was a museum, and we saw her grave too.
Saturday- We went to William Carey museum/college. I didn't know he'd translated to much!!! Like 20+++ Indian dialects!!! So cool right??? He was also into science, and the guy there said he started science-based education here. I was all, "This guy learned an TRANSLATED 20++++ dialects? And I can hardly speak English! Sheesh."
After that Uncle Rajah took us to see a Banyan tree. When we first got there I thought, "So we're drving though a WHOLE FOREST to see one tree? This better be one cool tree." Turns out the forest WAS the tree! It was so cool! The compounds the tree was in was actually like a botanial garden, a lot of natural stuff. Got some great shots there.

Sunday-Went to church with Uncle Mohadeb. Then later on before we went to the slum churh Reagan said he felt sick. So mom and him stayed home and me, dad, Zoe, Uncle Mohadeb, Uncle Rajah & Akash went. It was like so packed inside the small hall...with all the kids. Then when we taught them how to dance to "Woohoo!" they all were jumping around and screaming cause they kept stepping on each others' toes. haha. They were all so cute though.
The adult service was interesting to watch. There was this really good guy playing the tabla (sp?). (The tabla is the Indian drum)

Then on November 1 was World Sunday School Day. It was fun/scary/interesting. So yea.

Now I am trying to finish my school-year before heading to Singapore for about a month.

I don't really remember you. If reality worked the way we wanted to, it wouldn't be reality anymore.