Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oatmeal & Mashed Banana

Oatmeal & mashed bananas:

2-3 spoonfuls of instant oatmeal (but follow the istructions on the packet)
1 small banana

Basically all you do is make the oatmeal, with as much water or milk it calls for. (I use the microwave-able kind, so I add some milk afterwards so it's more creamy) Once your oatmeal is cooked you cut up the banana, and put it into the oatmeal. Take a fork and mash up the banana and mix it all up!!! I know it probably looks kinda like oatmeal with big pale yellow lumps and kinda gross. But it's super good!!!
Oh yeah, if you need to, add sugar. It depends on how ripe your banana is.
Then you DIG IN! ;)

Just a random recipe I happened to try this morning. WARNING: only banana lovers can eat this, so if you don't like bananas, it's advised you don't eat this.
