Thursday, October 30, 2008

How do I title this?

Hello people. I was just reading the SuperLife blog. And when I read the recent post of 'Cheezels' I was jerked out of my happy mood. I suddenly felt confused and tired.

Why do we invite our friends to church even though we know they'll day no? I asked myself that and the answer that would come to your mind immediatly is, 'I wanna save my friends.' Yes, but when you actually think about it. You don't know do you? You've been dragged so deep in your mind you're kind of lost. Am I right? I know you're now feeling kind of sad. I'm sorry to ruin your day. Or ruin your day even more. But ask yourself that...

Also, lately I've been finding that people like to preach at me. Like when I sms, msn or just talk people, they always have the perfect Christian answer for everthing. I find it annoying/it bugs me. Like, I already know what the perfect Christian answer is, I've heard it a million times. But what is your personal answer?
