Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How Much I'm worth

I'm worth $4540! More than I wouldn've guessed...

Hair Color:
[] Black = $100

[] Blonde = $50

[] Red = $75

[x] Brown = $15

[] Bald =

$5[] Other=$2
Eye Color:

[x] Brown - $150
[] Green - $75
[] Blue $50
[] Hazel $100
[] Other - $15

[] Over 7' - $200
[] 6'8' to 7' - $175
[] 6'0' to 6'7' - $150
[] 5'5' to 5'11' - $75
[]4'9' to 5'4' - $50
[] Under 4'9 - $45

[] 41 to 50 - $150
[] 31 to 40 - $100
[] 26 to 30 - $75
[] 21 to 25 - $50
[] 19 to 20 - $25
[x] 0 to 18 - $100
Birth Order:

[] Twins or more than twins - $300
[x] First Born - $300
[]Only Child - $250
[]second born - $150
[] Middle child - $100
[] Last Born - $200
[] third born - $100
[] fourth born - $100
[] fifth born - $375

[] perfect vision - $300
[x] have glasses/contacts and wear them - $200
[] No correction - $100[x] Glasses - $50 (I don't always have to wear them)
[] contacts - $25
[] Surgical correction - $135
Car Color [or families' car(S)]:

[] White - $2,000
[] Maroon - $800
[] Gold - $700
[] Grey - $600
[] Blue - $900
[] Pink - $475
[] Black - $450
[] Red - $400
[] Green- $350
[] Silver - $300
[] Purple - $250
[] Metallic - $200
[] Yellow - $100
[] Primer - $75
[] Tan - $20
[] Rusted - $15
[x] No Car - $0
Shoe Size:

[] 13+ - $300
[]12 and a half to 13 - $250
[] 11 to 12 - $700
[] 7 to 10 - $600
[] Under 7- $550
Favorite Colors (pick three):

[]Green - $750
[x]Black - $600
[]Red - $800
[]Yellow -$475
[]Brown - $50
[x]Purple - $225
[]Aqua - $350
[]Orange - $300
[]Blue - $300
[x]Pink - $100
[]Other - $ 50
[]light blue-$1,000
Did you use a calculator to add it all up?

[] Yes - $0
[] No - add $1000
[] On some - $750
[x] Used paper and pencil-$850
How many people are you going to send this to?

[] 100 - 150 = $2500
[] 90 - 80 = $1000
[] 70 - 60 = $900
[] 50 - 40 = $700
[] 30 - 20 = $500
[] 19 - 10 = $100
[] 10 - 1 = $5
[x] post it on a blog = $2000
Anyone who wants to do it can.