Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend! (maggots & keyboards)

Ever think that sometimes things are so sick that when you look at food, you feel like throwing up? Well, I just heard the story that changed my out-look on Macs. As we were walking back from band practice, Darren started talking about an e-mail he got. It was about McDonalds curry sauce, and maggots. A great story to tell right before we were gonna eat McDonalds. I ate my burger totally slowly.

After I finished, we all started talking -by 'all' I mean: Shannon, Samuel, Small Ben, Big Ben, Natalie & me-things started getting wierd. I was sitting next to small Ben and big Ben came over and started acting gay. Small Ben started backing up. I was sitting against the wall, causing me to be pinned against the wall and the 'gay situation'. In the end I went under the table and sat with Shannon and Natalie.

The keyboards part is just, that I plated keyboard today. Normally I'm used to holding the mike, not playing chords. I can't beleive I even played. It was so much fun!

Jacie(PS only Becca, Hannah & Leon will understand that so don't ask...; )
