Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weekends, albums and lollipops, what next?!

Last weekend was sooooooooooooo much fun! Can't believe the months have gone by so fast! Can you believe it's already August????? I mean, total fast-forward....Wonder if it has anything to do the fact that I've been super, super, super packed every week. At least on weekends.

Anyway, the album results haven't come out yet. Just waiting for it makes me feel like jumping up and down. *jumping up and down*. The 4ever humble (and flattering) Natalie's been pestering me -not really "pestering", but bugging me in a good way- about the album. That I'm, I qoute, "Gonna get in the album. Uncle Mike likes your voice the most." As my usual -annoyed, and bugged that she doesn't think she has a chance either- reply, "Whatever. Wait. Do you hear that? It's you're alarm clock! Time to get out of dream land! You're a great singer!!!!!!!!!!" (It's the truth sister, and don't deny it!!!!)
Every weekend always ends with me wishing it was longer. Why are weekends so short? Why can't there be 5 weekends and only 2 weekdays? That would do many students some justice. *thinks* Well, whatever...

Ever been so bored you wanted to see what would happen if you put a lollipop in the microwave? My advice: DO NOT DO IT!!!!! For the 1st thing, that's stupid. Who wants a warm lollipop? 2ndly, if you put it in to long and bite into it it could explode! 3rd, you could burn your tongue. Just a quick fact.
Hey! Good idea! I'll put a random fact at the end of each entry! Go brain, go brain....XD
