Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Recording, in a STUDIO

I can't believe I had so much fun. Today Natalie, Nicole, Kenneth & I went to record I love you sweet Jesus for the album. It was soooo fun! I kept messing up. I sound like a 6 year old girl! UGH! I sound so horrible!

So, to cut a long story short, I don't like my voice. It's weak, lame and thin. So I just blend in completly, which I kind of like. I don't really like to stand out anyway. Though everyone always compliments me, I don't really believe them. I still feel like I'm not a good singer. And, well...I'm even thinking about quiting the worship team. I don't know why, I just don't feel like I belong. But, enough emo-ing! Happy Amberlie back up!

K, recording is very fun! It was interesting. I felt professional, even though my voice totally lacked in everything. Anyway, tomorrow is school. So, ya. My parents went to India today. So sent them off to the airport. Then came home and wrote this. AKA my day.
