Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend (dunno what 2 write here)

I truly didn't expect anything to happen this weekend. I thought I was gonna have a boring weekend, like usual...boy was I wrong.

Saturday-Went to service. Then had cell, one of the funniest things ever!!! Laughed with Natalie till I couldn't breathe. And walked to the bus-stop with Natalie & Cystaline(sp?). When I got home I just stared at the ceiling. Then on Sunday, I was completly unable to keep my eyes open while walking to church.

Sunday-Helped out in rara and small group. One of the girls were SOOO sweet! Went and drew a picture for me. *awwwwwwwww* Then went to lunch with the band. Again, laughed till I couldn't breathe. Then went to watch the guys go bowling. Didn't GO bowling, but we -me & Nicole-WATCHED them bowl. Fun!!!!!

*spits out coke*'eeewww!'everyone screamed. 'everyone's ganging up on me!!!!'i whined. 'wanna go bowling?'they asked. Weekend: funny times, serious times, sad times & shocking times make up my weekend!!!!