Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend! (cheezels & weird phone calls)

This week was weird. So I'll start from the beginning:

Saturday-Went to band practice. After that did nothing with Abby & Nicole. Then, got left behind on the way to lunch. Helped Aunty Rena with some CNY stuff. Went to MegaLife, and had cell...The usual.

Sunday-Got to church and practiced. Then after 2nd service had Cheezels' party. Here are some highlights: 1.Sang this TOTALLY COOL acepella thing. 2.It was totally touching, and almost everyone cried. (meaning almost all the girls. the guys were trying to be macho, but you could still see tears in their eyes.)

Well, that's what happened,
little snippets of the weekend. 'Soon it'll be you', he said. 'Awww. Don't cry!' we said. 'Are you serving tommorrow?' he asked. ONE CRAZY WEEKEND.
