Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Special

Christmas Eve! Tomorrow is Christmas! Can you believe that the year has passed so fast? I'm 13, and all of a sudden I realized that there are a lot of things I'm happy I did this year. But, there are also things that I regret doing. This year has been a topsy-turvy one, and I think next year will be even more crazy...So, I have that to look forward to!
One of the things I regret is not getting my friend to come to church. I'm tired of being rejected, so I feel like giving up. What's the point anymore? I know she'll just say no. And every single time I get my hopes up, just by a inch. And when I get the rejection I feel like banging my head against the wall for being so stupid and even trying to invite her.

Well, today my family had the usual family reunion thing. Lunch, and we showed the My Hope Singapore video. We didn't share or anything, but we showed the video. And that's what happened today.

Happy Holidays!
(sorry for the depressing post. but I just wrote it, so...)
