Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dark Era 12

I took a deep breath before following Katie into the hall. There was music playing and kids talking. Some of them were my age, others younger. As I walked through the hall to talk to Katie, I recognized some of the people she was talking to. They were from our school! I froze for a second, wondering what exactly I should do.

"Faith! Get over here!" Katie said loudly. She had to, or I wouldn't have heard her over all the noise. "I think you remember Noah and Sarah from our English class right?" Katie smiled at them. "Ya. Hi." I smiled slightly. "Whaddaya think of youth group so far Faith?" Sarah asked. "It's definantly...not what I expected." I said cautiously. "Oh? You were probably expecting hymns, old fashioned English and boring, boring, boring right?" Noah asked, defensively. "No! Not at all! Katie always says you all do cool stuff! She told me about that one time she went rock-climbing, and you played laser-tag and stuff." I quickly replied. "Yup, that's what we do round here. Have fun." Noah sounded smug. I was confused, what was Noah being so defensive about?

As me & Katie took our seats she whispered in my ear, "Sorry bout Noah. He's always like that. He's not prejudice or anything to non-Christians. It's just that in his old home-town everyone there had the wrong idea about Christianity and always made fun of him." I glanced at Noah, who'd seated himself next to Sarah and smiled slightly at Katie. The service was interesting. We played games, and the music they played was nice. But when the pastor started talking, I got kinda bored. I doodled on the notepad that I'd brought. I was listening, I just didn't like looking up to the stage the whole time. Sometimes the pastor would scan the crowd, and each time I wanted to duck my head and hide.

Once the pastor was finished, everyone headed out. "We're gonna go for dinner. Would you and Faith like to come?" Sarah asked. "Sure! We still have some time before we need to head home." Katie replied enthusiacticly. On the walk there I kept quiet and studied Katie, Sarah & Noah. Even though it was getting cold out, I hadn't brought a jacket. I kept my hands in my pockets, so they wouldn't get numb. Sarah noticed and lent me her gloves. "I hope you're feeling alright, you're very quiet tonight." Sarah shyly commented. "Oh, Ya know. Just thinking." I answered. I hadn't noticed that they'd been studying me the whole time I'd been studying them!

What is it that's so different about them? They're all patient and kind, well, Noah had yet to show that side of himself. But I was sure he had that side. I wondered about it all night long...
